Environmental Vision and Environmental Goals

The CITIZEN Group Environmental Vision

The CITIZEN Group's Basic Approach to the Environment

Since its establishment, The CITIZEN Group has been consistently committed to manufacturing in consideration of people and the environment, rooted in its corporate philosophy of "Loved by Citizens, Working for Citizens.” In December 2019, we revised The CITIZEN Group Environmental Policy, which forms the basis of the Group's environmental measures, to promote global environmental management aimed at realizing a sustainable civil society. In April 2020, we also revised The CITIZEN Group Environmental Vision 2050, which commits to decarbonization and sustainable resource use with virtually zero CO2 emissions, and newly formulated The CITIZEN Group Resource Recycling Vision. In February 2022, we also revised The CITIZEN Group Environmental Goals 2030, referring to our five targets for achieving the SDGs, in line with changes in the external environment; we will implement sustainable management through production activities at sustainable factories that consider the environment throughout the value chain, including suppliers.

The CITIZEN Group Environmental Policy (Revised in Dec. 2019)

  1. Basic Policy

    Based on its corporate philosophy of "Loved by Citizens, Working for Citizens," The CITIZEN Group will contribute to a sustainable civil society where people can live rich in spirit and with peace of mind, by carrying out business activities, while keeping the global environment and people all over the world strongly in mind.

  2. Environmental Action Guidelines
    1. We will endeavor to preserve the global environment by reducing adverse environmental impact throughout the life cycle of our products and services and by promoting "environmentally friendly manufacturing" through the development and provision of environmentally friendly products.
    2. We will comply with laws, ordinances, regulations, agreements and other requirements regarding the environment.
    3. We will endeavor to mitigate and adapt to climate changes by promoting greenhouse gas reduction and energy saving in our business activities.
    4. We will endeavor to use resources sustainably by saving resources, reducing waste, conserving water resources, and taking other appropriate actions.
    5. We will endeavor to prevent pollution by strengthening the management of chemical substances contained in products or handled at business sites.
    6. We will strengthen harmony with local communities by deepening communication with them through such initiatives as participation in environmental conservation activities and in biodiversity and ecosystem protection activities in local communities.
    7. We will strengthen the environmental awareness of our employees through education and awareness building activities concerning the environment. We will also actively disclose information on environmental initiatives to fulfill our accountability to the community.

The CITIZEN Group will establish environmental targets in accordance with this Environmental Policy and work with suppliers, buyers, and other business partners to implement, evaluate, and continuously improve those targets.
This Environmental Policy has been made publicly available and communicated to all employees and people working together.

The CITIZEN Group Environmental Vision 2050 (Revised in April 2022)

The CITIZEN Group promotes global environmental activities toward the realization of a sustainable civil society.

  1. We contribute to the realization of a carbon-free society by both aiming to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions from plants and offices and striving to keep CO2 emissions throughout the value chain to levels that make it possible to constrain global warning.
  2. Throughout the Group, we contribute to realization of a circulating society by using resources sustainably through resource conservation, 3R activities, zero waste emissions, and preservation of water resources.
  3. We contribute to realization of a safe, comfortable, and enriched society through preservation of biodiversity together with our local communities and by operating business sites that are free from emissions of hazardous substances and environmental incidents.

Environmental Targets

Environmental Targets

The CITIZEN Group has established a roadmap based on The CITIZEN Group Environmental Vision 2050 and The CITIZEN Group Environmental Targets 2030 for environmental initiatives, one of its materiality issues. The environmental initiatives and their targets set forth in the roadmap cover a wide range of areas, including the reduction of CO2 and hazardous chemical emissions, effective use of water and other resources, prevention of environmental accidents, and preservation of biodiversity. In FY2023, amid the signs of settlement of the Covid-19 pandemic, we continued to promote environmental initiatives and exceeded the targets we had set for most items.

The CITIZEN Group Environmental Goals 2030 (Revised in April 2023)

We will contribute to the realization of a carbon-free society, a resource-circulating society, and a safe, comfortable, and enriched society through the promotion of global environmental management aimed at achieving the SDGs.

  1. Promoting countermeasures against global warming (resource conservation, shifting to renewable energy, adaptation to climate change)
    Greenhouse gas emissions: Scopes 1 and 2: 50.4% reduction (compared to FY2018)
    Scope 3: 30% reduction in Category 1 + Category 11 by FY2030 (compared to FY2018)
    Renewable energy ratio: 62% (Japan)
  2. Promoting the sustainable use of resources (resource conservation, 3Rs, preservation of water resources)
    Resource recycling rate: 90%
    Water intake: 35% reduction (compared to FY2018)
    Improvement of wastewater quality
  3. Enhancing environmental risk management, continuing to maintain zero environmental incidents
    Chemical substances subject to the PRTR Act: 45% reduction (compared to FY2018)
  4. Implementing nature conservation activities and community environmental activities at all business sites
  5. Providing sustainable products and enhancing the control of chemical substances in products

Progress against the Roadmap

The table below shows our environmental targets and results for activities in FY2022 and our environmental targets for FY2023, with the aim of achieving the CITIZEN Group Environmental Targets 2030. We achieved the targets for all priority items in FY2022, and we will continue our efforts to achieve them in FY2023.

The CITIZEN Group Environmental Targets and Results for FY2023

Please scroll down to see→

Self-evaluation 〇: Target achieved △: Certain achievements made ×: Not achieved
Priority Issues Targets for FY2023 Results for FY2023 Eva
Targets for FY2024 Targets for FY2026 Targets for FY2030
Promotion of global warming countermeasures
  • CO2 emissions
    • Scopes 1 and 2: 21.0% reduction*1
    • Scope 3: -
  • Promotion of procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, energy conservation activities
  • CO2 emissions
    • Scopes 1 and 2: 39% reduction*1
    • Scope 3: -
  • Promotion of procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, energy conservation activities
  • CO2 emissions
    • Scopes 1 and 2: 25.2% reduction*1
    • Scope 3: -
  • Promotion of procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy sources
  • CO2 emissions
    • Scopes 1 and 2: 33.6% reduction*1
    • Scope 3: -
  • Promotion of procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy sources
  • CO2 emissions
    • Scopes 1 and 2: 50.4% reduction*1
    • Scope 3: 30% reduction in Category 1 + Category 11*1
  • Promotion of procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy sources
Promotion of sustainable resource use
  • Water intake: 15% reduction*1
  • Recycling rate: 86%
  • Promotion of resource conservation and 3R activities
  • Promotion of water circulation
  • Improvement of wastewater quality
  • Water intake: 25% reduction*1
  • Recycling rate: 92%
  • Promotion of resource conservation and 3R activities
  • Promotion of water circulation
  • Promote efforts to improve wastewater quality
  • Water intake: 17% reduction*1
  • Recycling rate: 87%
  • Promotion of resource conservation and 3R activities
  • Promotion of water circulation
  • Improvement of wastewater quality
  • Water intake: 23% reduction*1
  • Recycling rate: 88%
  • Promotion of resource conservation and 3R activities
  • Promotion of water circulation
  • Improvement of wastewater quality
  • Water intake: 35% reduction*1
  • Recycling rate: 90%
  • Promotion of resource conservation and 3R activities
  • Promotion of water circulation
  • Improving the quality of wastewater
Strengthen the environmental management system / environmental risk management
  • Number of environmental accidents: 50% reduction from previous year
  • PRTR chemical substances: 8% reduction*1
  • Promotion of reduction and substitution of hazardous chemical substances
  • Number of environmental accidents: 14*2(including 1 serious environmental accident*3)
  • PRTR chemical substances: 29% reduction*1
  • Promotion of reduction and substitution of hazardous chemical substances
  • Number of environmental accidents: 50% reduction from previous year
  • PRTR chemical substances: 10% reduction*1
  • Promotion of reduction and substitution of hazardous chemical substances
  • Number of environmental accidents: Number of environmental accidents: Targeting Zero
  • PRTR chemical substances: 22% reduction*1
  • Promotion of reduction and substitution of hazardous chemical substances
  • Number of environmental accidents: Zero
  • PRTR chemical substances: 45% reduction*1
  • Promotion of reduction and substitution of hazardous chemical substances
Biodiversity preservation activities / Promotion of local environmental activities
  • Implementation of nature conservation and local environmental activities at all business locations
  • Implementation of nature conservation and local environmental activities at all business locations
  • Implementation of nature conservation and local environmental activities at all business locations
  • Implementation of nature conservation and local environmental activities at all business locations
  • Implementation of nature conservation and local environmental activities at all business locations
Provide environmentally friendly products / Strengthen the management of chemical substances contained in products
  • Creation of environmentally friendly products
  • Compliance with regulations on the chemical substances contained in products
  • Improvement of product assessment
  • Creation of environmentally friendly products
  • Compliance with regulations on the chemical substances contained in products
  • Improvement of product assessment
  • Creation of sustainable products
  • Compliance with regulations on the chemical substances contained in products
  • Improvement of product assessment
  • Creation of sustainable products
  • Compliance with regulations on the chemical substances contained in products
  • Improvement of product assessment
  • Creation of sustainable products
  • Compliance with regulations on the chemical substances contained in products
  • Improvement of product assessment
  1. FY2018 standard
  2. The number of environmental accidents increased by reviewing the definition, totaling 14 in FY2023.
  3. Serious environmental accident: Environmental accidents caused by industrial waste disposers contracted in the past. The disposal process of industrial waste at overseas sites was performed differently from the contract.

Establishment of Global Environmental Management System

The CITIZEN Group is working in Japan and overseas to establish an environmental management system that meets the ISO 14001 international standard, in order to strengthen and unify its global environmental management system (EMS), as stated in the roadmap. In Japan, CITIZEN WATCH is taking the lead in establishing policies and targets for the overall EMS, and all manufacturing sites, which account for the majority of the Group's environmental impact, have acquired unified ISO 14001 certification or all sites. Overseas, each site is still working to obtain ISO 14001 certification, but we are building an EMS based on the same approach and policies as in Japan.

In FY2023, which is the year of the ISO 14001 re-certification audit, the audit was conducted for all sites, and the Group was judged to be eligible for maintenance of the certification. In addition to the manufacturing sites, we are promoting the thorough implementation of environmental activities based on the same concept at our sales and other sites, and these Group-wide efforts are leading to the establishment of a more effective EMS.

Identification and Assessment of Climate Change Risks

In order to contribute to solving the global issue of climate change, The CITIZEN Group aims to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions from its factories and offices as part of its Environmental Vision.

To achieve this goal, in FY2020 we expressed our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). Furthermore, in FY2021, based on two scenarios (the 1.5°C scenario and the 4°C scenario) with different assumptions concerning the future temperature increase, we identified and assessed climate change-related risks and opportunities as required by the TCFD recommendations, identifying significant risks and opportunities.

With respect to significant risks, we are promoting conventional energy-saving activities and environmental considerations in CO2 emission reduction and products in order to reduce the risks of the 4°C scenario of progressive temperature rise and realize the 1.5°C scenario, in which the internationally committed targets are achieved.

In FY2023, The CITIZEN Group's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets received the certification of Science Based Targets (SBT) based on scientific evidence, and the Group's Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions were verified by an external third-party verification organization.

We will continue our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions as well as enhance our disclosure of climate-related information in line with TCFD recommendations.

Efforts to Reduce Hazardous Chemical Substances to Establish "Sustainable Factories”

To establish "Sustainable Factories," the entire Group is promoting the reduction of hazardous chemical substances subject to the PRTR Act. Specifically, we are moving forward with efforts to shift heavily used target substances to alternative substances, and focusing on the replacement of 1-bromopropane, which is the most heavily used substance in the manufacturing process. For the other substances, each site is working to replace or reduce these, and the status of these efforts is shared within the Group.

Also for actual products, we are working to reduce or eliminate chemical substances from the product design and manufacturing stages, based on the premise that our products do not contain substances subject to product content restrictions, taking into account the trends in global environmental regulations.