Circular Economy

Toward the Realization of a Circular Economy

The Sustainability Committee not only discusses the Group's sustainability, but also holds lectures on sustainability topics by outside experts. In May 2021, a lecture was held for group executives and division heads on the theme of “Circular Economy: Global Frontiers and Corporate Growth Strategies.” The gist of the lecture was that “the ultimate goal of companies in the circular economy is to realize human well-being, and resource recycling is the foundation of business as a means to achieve a sustainable social economy.” This is also the impetus for accelerating the promotion of the SDGs and sustainability.

Based on the 3R initiatives undertaken to date, The CITIZEN Group will promote the development of products that make the best use of limited resources, on the premise of recycling and reusing resources from the raw material procurement and design stages, while ensuring durability and safety as a major prerequisite. By doing so, we aim to contribute to solving global problems caused by economic activities, such as climate change, biodiversity issues, and environmental pollution.

Watch Business Initiatives

A watch is a product that is worn directly on the customer's wrist and can be used for many years. For the past half century, we have been introducing environmentally friendly products, such as the world's first analogue quartz watch equipped with Eco-Drive*, which does not require regular battery replacement, developed in 1976.

In 2021, a project team consisting of about 20 employees from different background was formed and the study on the circular economy began on a full scale. In 2022, a subcommittee with the participation of many divisions was set up and more specific studies are underway.

  • * Eco-Drive:
    CITIZEN’s proprietary technology that powers watches using any natural or artificial light source, eliminating the need to replace batteries. A first within the watch industry, Eco-Drive was certified as an Eco Mark product by the Japan Environment Association (JEA) and recognized for its contribution to environmental sustainability.