Status of dialogue with shareholders and investors

Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders

The Company holds a medium-term management plan briefing, a quarterly financial result briefing and other conferences. The President and the Directors in charge of operations attend such dialogues with these shareholders. In addition, the Company regularly communicates its messages through the General Meeting of Shareholders, various briefings and other meetings, websites and other channels and media. Opinions and other comments received from the shareholders are shared among the top management and the related departments. The IR department and the related departments of the Company also liaise with each other and share the opinions of the shareholders for arguments.

The status of main dialogue results in FY2023

Main responders: President & CEO, Director in charge of IR, Directors, Department in charge of IR

Activities Results Descriptions
Financial results briefings Four times/138 companies Quarterly financial results briefings were held.
*The President & CEO attended twice a year, at the end of the second quarter and at the end of the fiscal year.
Individual interviews 131 times/190 companies Meetings with domestic and foreign institutional investors and securities company analysts were held.
IR events, etc Four times Executing business presentations and participating in conferences sponsored by securities firms, etc.

*The number of companies is the total.

Main themes and concerns of the dialogue

■ Medium- to long-term growth strategy of the Watches business

■ Expansion of orders and production system in the Machine Tools business

■ Concept of investing in growth and rationalization together with shareholder returns