Ratings & Bonds


Rating Agency Rating Rating Explanation(Excerpt)
Rating and Investment Information, Inc.(R&I) A <Stable> High creditworthiness supported by a few excellent factors.
Rating Agency Rating and Investment Information, Inc.(R&I)
Rating A <Stable>
Rating Explanation(Excerpt) High creditworthiness supported by a few excellent factors.

For more details,please refer to the following rating agency's website.
Rating and Investment Information, Inc.(R&I)

Rating Definitions

AAA Highest creditworthiness supported by many excellent factors.
AA Very high creditworthiness supported by some excellent factors.
A High creditworthiness supported by a few excellent factors.
BBB Creditworthiness is sufficient, though some factors require attention in times of major environmental changes.
BB Creditworthiness is sufficient for the time being, though some factors require due attention in times of environmental changes.
B Creditworthiness is questionable and some factors require constant attention.
CCC Creditworthiness is highly questionable and a financial obligation of an issuer is likely to default.
CC All of the financial obligations of an issuer are likely to default.
D R&I believes that all of the financial obligations of an issuer are in default.


Item Date of Issue Amount(Million of Yen) InterestRate(%/Year) Security Maturity Date
3rd Unsecured Bonds 25 September, 2018 10,000 0.130 None 25 September, 2023
Item 3rd Unsecured Bonds
Date of Issue 25 September, 2018
(Million of Yen)
Security None
Maturity Date 25 September, 2023